Seminarthema 10 präsentiert von David Ruitter
Kapazität - Fluss
Solange es noch augmentierende Pfade gibt
O(|V ||E|²)
public static int maxFlow(Flownetwork flownetwork) {
List pathToSink;
int totalFlow = 0;
while(!(pathToSink = flownetwork.getAugmentingPath())
.isEmpty()) {
// Erhöhen des totalFlows um path Bottleneck
return totalFlow;
public List getAugmentingPath() {
var queue = new ArrayDeque();
var explored = new HashSet();
// Key is the child vertex and value the parent of the child
var childParent = new HashMap();
while(!queue.isEmpty()) {
Vertex currentVertex = queue.poll();
// Pfad rekonstruieren sobald gefunden
Collection edgesFromCurrentVertex = currentVertex.getEdges();
for (Edge edge : edgesFromCurrentVertex)
if (edge.hasRemainingCapacity() &&
!explored.contains( {
childParent.put(, edge.from());
return List.of();